April 17, 2015
Hello everyone!!!
I am absolutely loving the mtc!! I've only been here for two days now
and I love it! So I arrived at the mtc at 12:45 on Wednesday. A host
missionary took me and my luggage and checked me in! It was so surreal
putting on my name tag. After getting everything and getting checked
in, I went to my classroom and met my district! Such am awesome group
of kids! Some of us are going to Santa Rosa, others to New York, and
some to Provo! My companion is Sister Moore. She is from New Mexico
and she is just a sweetheart! She had ADHD so she's a little
different, but I hop I can come to love her!
We just talked and got to
know each other better as a district, then we went to meet the mtc
presidency! After that was dinner and unpacking! The food is great :)
then around 5:45 we had a teaching experience activity. We met with a
group of about 30 new missionaries and we had the chance to see and
feel what a real teaching experience is like! It's crazy how much love
you can feel for a person after just meeting them! I just have a
burning desire to share the gospel with them, but I have a hard time
finding my words. I hope I can get better at that soon! After that we
went back to our classroom and met a member of our branch presidency,
bro. Monson (pres. Monson is his uncle!) then we went back to our
apartment and got ready for bed! There's four of us in my room, all
going to Santa Rosa!
The next day we woke up at 6:30, got ready, and went to breakfast.
Then to our classroom where our teacher bro. Lockwood taught us about
personal and companion study. Then we went to a meeting to learn about
our purpose as missionaries and the people we will teach. After that
was lunch, and my district decided that we were going to try to always
sit together! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MY DISTRICT! We talk and laugh all the
time! There are five elders and six sister in my district and we are
the only district in our branch at the moment so it will just be the
After lunch we had gym time! Probably my favorite part haha our district
played volleyball all together! So much fun!! After gym, back to the
classroom! And guess what?!? WE GOT OUR IPADS! We are the first
English speaking district to ever get iPads while in the mtc! We are
the pilot group to see if they will help with the learning process and
teaching process here at the mtc! IT IS SO COOL! We have no
restrictions on them so they are completely trusting us with this! We
can download any apps that we think would help with being a
missionary. It's crazy, but it's awesome! We are suppose to keep the
iPads with us with us 24/7. We also set up our own Apple ID accounts
and iCloud accounts so everything will transfer to our new iPads we
get in our missions. After we learned how to use the iPads we went to
dinner and then back to the classroom. We met with more members of our
branch presidency! We each took turns talking about our backgrounds,
why we came on missions, and our testimonies! The spirit was so strong
in the room! We then each got interviewed by bro. Monson and then got
callings! I got called as the Sister Training Leader(stl)!! It's
So I'm doing great! My p day is Friday mornings so I get two while I here! I LOVE being a missionary! I'm learning so much and the spirit is always so present here! It's great!! I love you all so much!!
Love, Sister Thompson
Pictures 1. Me and my companion 2. I ran into a familiar elder! Elder Viehweg 3. My
district at dinner!
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